Showing posts from June, 2006

What is melanoma?

1. What is melanoma? The term melanoma implies a malignant tumor; malignant melanoma is redundant. The most malignant of all skin cancers, melanoma usually forms from a preexisting nevus or mole but…

What is melanoma? part II

8. Are any groups at low risk for melanoma formation? Children younger than 10 years, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans, and dark-complected whites are at low risk. 9. What are common site…

Breslow and Clark classifications of melanoma invasion

16. What are the Breslow and Clark classifications of melanoma invasion? Clark selected five levels of melanoma thickness in the skin: Level I-intradermal melanoma that does not metastasize; may be …

staging system for melamoma

17. What is the TNM staging system for melamoma? The TNM (primary tumor, regional nodes, metastasis) staging system is the most comprehensive classification of melanoma. Using established risk facto…

What are the characteristics of a subungual melanoma?

Subungual lesions are often mistaken for a chronic inflammatory process; therefore, most patients present quite late. They are usually older than patients with other forms of cutaneous melanoma. The …

Does elective lymph node dissection (ELND) improve cure rates in patients with melanoma?

The Mayo Clinic trial and World Health Organization melanoma group trial have not shown a benefit for ELND for stage I and II melanoma involving the extremities and trunk. The Intergroup Melanoma Tri…

axillary lymph node treatment for breast cancer of therapeutic value

Those who believe that axillary lymph node dissection confers only information about tumor behavior rather than a therapeutic benefit usually cite the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Prog…

Diagnostic Investigation Of Lymphadenopathy

What historical information helps to direct the diagnostic investigation of lymphadenopathy? It is unusual for a patient older than 40 years to have nonspecific lymphadenopathy; over 70% of enlarge…
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